A Full Hiragana Self Study Routine in 7 Days
If you're at the beginning of your journey into the Japanese language, the first thing you'll need is a hiragana self study routine! Hiragana is the first set of characters you will learn to begin reading Japanese and you can teach yourself in just a few days. The key points to learning hiragana without a teacher are: good resources, good study routines and determination. The routine you set up now will either help or hinder your entire Japanese journey so I'll show you how to get into good...

Ultimate Guide for Katakana Study Apps
Once you're finished with hiragana apps, you'll be ready for Katakana study apps! But should you just use the same apps or are there katakana focused ones that you should be learning with? The criteria I judge katakana apps on is the same as hiragana: includes a fun way to learn, allows reviews and has a clean design. Once you finish with katakana you won't need these apps anymore so they just need to motivate you enough to get you through the second stretch! Some of these apps will be the...

Ultimate Guide for Hiragana Study Apps
Hiragana is your first step to learning Japanese but which hiragana study apps are the best? The app store is absolutely packed with hiragana content and it can be difficult to figure out which ones are worth looking at. My criteria for a good app is something with includes a good way to learn and review hiragana with a clean design. You want to get through kana as fast as possible so these aren't apps you are going to keep forever, they just need to be engaging enough to get the job done! ...

How To Play Animal Crossing Pocket Camp In Japanese
Today I'll show you one of my favourite ways to practice my language skills: play Animal Crossing Pocket Camp in Japanese! Switching the language in Pocket Camp to Japanese is simple, all you need to do is head into the settings. Of course there's a little more to it than that so let's take a deeper dive into the benefits of playing games for solo study and some problems you might run in to. Before you run to download and change the language right away, I recommend that you start the game and...

Is Clozemaster Good For Japanese? App Review
Clozemaster is a popular language app that uses gamification to make learning fun but is it actually any good for learning Japanese? The app is made by Betten and is available on both Apple and Android. Overall, yes Clozemaster is a pretty good system for reviewing grammar points but it's not going to be suitable for every level of Japanese student. The game is certainly addictive and offers a wide range of content but it can be a bit repetitive. There are many language choices in the app so...

How Long Does It Take To Learn Katakana
Asking how long it takes to learn katakana is a difficult question as there a lot of variables. It really depends on how effective you are at studying and how fast you want it to go. On average, a beginner takes around a month to learn Hiragana and Katakana together. If you study efficiently and don't slack off, you can easily learn katakana in a few days. As some characters just resemble pointy hiragana, you might even end up finishing katakana more quickly! Katakana is the next stop in the...