Scribe Japanese After searching through hundreds of basic SRS memory apps for learning Japanese, I settled on Scribe Japanese as kanji flash cards. It can be hard to figure out the differences between the many similar apps but this post will help you decide if Scribe works for you.

After using Scribe Japanese for years I definitely recommend it as a great iPhone app for learning vocabulary and kanji, though it’s not perfect for every learning situation as I will explain.

The app and it’s family is made by Guiix who have used this format to make many language apps. It is offered as a free version with an in-app purchase (AU$13.99) to unlock the full content forever. I am reviewing the paid version and would encourage you to download the free version to test before committing.

Before we get too far into it, we should talk about the idea that most generic flash card apps are based off: SRS or Spaced Repetition System.

A quick run down on the SRS method of learning.

SRS is basically a popular scientific set of intervals that your brain processes new information well at. For example if you want to learn a new word, you learn then test it again immediately, then a few minutes later, a few hours later, a few days later, and so on until the intervals are measured in years. Most flash card apps use their own time intervals but the idea is the same. I will include more details on SRS and the ways I’ve used in a later article but for now all you need to know is that this method has been heavily researched and proven to be effective.

Scribe Japanese uses SRS flash cards to teach you Japanese.

The main part of the app is basically using flash cards which show you a vocabulary item to learn. Once you have memorised the item, it goes into the queue for revisions later. When you get it right a percentage of times, it is marked as “learned” and you continue with new items.

Scribe Japanese

During basic flash card revisions you answer “wrong”, “unsure” or “correct”. The unsure option is great for when you know the item but just not as quickly as you’d like to.

Scribe Japanese

Some cards feature a mnemonic and there is space for you to add your own notes. Every item also has spoken pronunciation. The content is broken into 7 levels: 5-1 of the JLPT tests as well as Beginners Grammar and Basic Conversational Phrases. The JLPT levels contain vocabulary (in kanji, kana or romaji if you select those options) as well as some common phases useful for the tests.

Vocabulary revisions are done through flash cards as well as mini games.

Once you have some items to revise the fun begins. There are 12 options/mini games for reviewing including flash cards, multiple choices, memory games and connecting items. Most of these are fairly similar but with different recognition ways eg. the prompt is spoken/written or the item is in English/Japanese.

Scribe Japanese

Any of these games can be used to count towards revisions but correct answers count for different percentages based on difficulty. For example, a correct answer on a flash card is worth more than a multiple choice.

Overall the basic flash card system is pretty much the same as any other app but the customisation options and the games are a big selling point to me. I particularly liked the exam mode which will test you on every item in the level at once so you can get an overall idea of how far you’ve progressed in your level.

Scribe Japanese only has a one time fee.

One of the most annoying things about the current batch of Japanese study apps is that the majority of them are subscription only. Subscriptions are not ideal for casual learners. I life to switch apps regularly to keep my interest levels up, but having 10 apps on subscriptions payments is not budget friendly.

All of the Scribe Japanese apps are offered as one-off purchases in the app store. That allows you to work at your own pace knowing you’re not wasting money by taking a break or switching between apps.

Some of the other features I really like about the app are:Scribe Japanese

  • Easy on the eyes
    The muted sepia colours are soft on the eyes which makes it good for reviewing first thing in the morning and late at night. This isn’t a huge factor but I work with computers a lot so avoiding eye strain is important to me.
  • Sync across devices
    This is something that often isn’t included in language apps and it’s SO useful. I use Scribe Japanese on both an iPad and an iPhone. It’s great that I can pick up right where I left off.
  • Lots of customisation options
    Want to take a short holiday without revisions piling up? Or to change the percentage of an item for it to be considered learned? Maybe change the review intervals? Even change the font size? All of these are very easily done with the settings. You can toggle romaji, remove the inbuilt mnemonics and all kinds of things without having to code or fiddle.
  • No need for an internet connection
    Everything is contained within the app and it’s quick to load and get into.

But there are also some drawbacks…Scribe Japanese

If you’re looking for fancy graphics, this isn’t the app for you. The user experience is pretty basic, there are no bells or whistles and the general design looks a bit 2007. Personally I found that enjoyable but it’s not for everyone.

There are also plenty of free options that do the same thing. Flash cards aren’t a new concept and  many apps out there have just as many features in terms of SRS. There is also no way to add your own flash cards.

The databases that the language library draws from can have errors. I didn’t notice any mistakes in Scribe Japanese so far (halfway through the N3) but as with any app that uses public libraries (JMDict/Edict Project, Tatoeba, Cordova, Howler Library) mistakes may slip through. The app also hasn’t been updated in quite a while so I’m not sure if it’s still in active development.

Additionally, I can’t decide whether to mark down for having an anime girl as the mascot changing outfits daily. Maybe it was her cold dead eyes looking into my soul or the fact that she sometimes wears strappy high heels over socks but something about her just weirded me out. Luckily you have the option to turn her off in the settings as well!

Scribe Japanese

Comparing Scribe to the main competition.

The most often mentioned flash card systems these days for Japanese are Anki and Wanikani. I’ll be reviewing both of them in an in-depth future article but let’s take a quick look at how they stack up against Scribe Japanese.


Scribe Japanese

With it’s crazy levels of customisation and user made decks, Anki is pretty much the standard for flashcard apps. The benefit that Scribe Japanese has over it is pricing (Anki’s iPhone app is currently AU$38.99 while the desktop and web app are free), and user-friendliness. You can do everything in Anki that Scribe does but Anki requires a heavy learning curve to learn to make those customisations. Scribe is basically pick up and go. If you use the web version you also require an internet connection while Scribe does not.


Wanikani is a really beautiful and well thought out SRS system. The design and mnemonics included are certainly a level above Scribe and the pricing reflects that as a subscription or a US$299 lifetime membership. The revision system forces you to type in answers which really helps with retaining information. On the other hand there is no official app. There are third party apps and the site is a mobile friendly but it requires an internet connection. Additionally you can’t continue to review items indefinitely once you’re through with the spaced ones like you can with Scribe.

What’s the verdict on Scribe Japanese?

Overall my experience with Scribe has been really positive. It’s been a cost effective way to have my Japanese close at hand during the day. As it’s not reliant on the internet, I can jump right into revisions during down time. That’s an easy way to get practice in without feeling drained. Definitely worth checking it out and seeing if you like it!

If you’re deciding how much time to take learning Kanji check this post to learn how to budget your time.

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